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Algorithms and Big Data : Reshaping Law in the Technological Society



Gregory Lewkowicz (Chair and speaker), Ana Maria Correa, Tilen Cuk and Louise Fromont (speakers), and David Restrepo Amariles (Discussant) will participate in the Panel Algorithms and Big Data : Reshaping Law in the Technological Society (IRC – Law and Development) during the Conference of the American Law and Society Association to take place in Mexico City on June 20-23, 2017 at the Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel & Towers. More info : http://www.lawandsociety.org/MexicoCity2017/mexicocity2017.html

Information about the Thematic Panel

Algorithms and big data are more and more often used for legal, regulatory or compliance purposes. Whether it is for offender profiling, monitoring suspicious behaviours, auditing organizations or other algorithms, fostering e-government or enforcing automatically rules, policies or contracts, algorithms and big data are reshaping the regulatory landscape of our technological society, allegedly, for the sake of better regulation. The panel aims at discussing (1) how algorithmic governance disrupts the ways rules are adopted, interpreted, implemented and enforced ; (2) how it changes the practices of lawyers, attorneys and judges ; (3) how it contributes to a new global distribution of power, builds paths of exclusion and opens up new spaces for political and legal struggles ; (4) whether algorithmic governance leads to a techno-managerial turn in law. Case-study and papers based on empirical research are especially welcomed.

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