Accueil > The Use of Documents Other than the European Convention on Human Rights and Its Protocols in Cases Before the European Court of Human Rights : Reflections from and upon a Users’ Perspective

The Use of Documents Other than the European Convention on Human Rights and Its Protocols in Cases Before the European Court of Human Rights : Reflections from and upon a Users’ Perspective


The article concerns the importation by the European Court of Human Rights of numerous and various external documents to help apply and interpret the European Convention on Human Rights and the Protocols thereto. To address this phenomenon, this article starts from and reflects upon a users’ perspective on human rights. Dorothea Staes demonstrates that, depending on the particular judicial motives, tendencies towards both integration and opposition result from references to external documents.

Citation : D. Staes, The Use of Documents Other than the European Convention on Human Rights and Its Protocols in Cases Before the European Court of Human Rights : Reflections from and upon a Users’ Perspective, Human Rights & International Legal Discourse, vol. 8, no. 2 (2014), pp.186-214

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