Accueil > Agenda > The 10th Ethical Forum of the University Foundation

The 10th Ethical Forum of the University Foundation


It is our pleasure to invite you to the 10th Ethical Forum of the University Foundation, to be held on Thursday the 17th November from 2 to 6pm. It will be devoted this year to a question that is becoming the subject of heated discussions throughout Europe : How is higher education best funded ? Should the present mix of public funding and student fees be altered ? If so, to what extent and how ? The full programme and the questions submitted to the speakers feature below.

Prior registration by 10 November is free of charge but compulsory : just send a mail with your surname, first name and institution to Hilde Garmyn <fu.us chez universityfoundation.be>

Interpellations from the floor are to be submitted by 3 November. If you would like to make a short statement (no more than 3 minutes) to which the final panel will have to respond, please send a short written formulation of it (about 10 lines) to Philippe Van Parijs <philippe.vanparijs chez uclouvain.be>
. The organizing committee will select the interpellations to be included in the conference folder and presented verbally.

Pour en savoir plus :

Événements à venir