Accueil > Agenda > Perelman Seminar with William Twining

Perelman Seminar with William Twining

Globalization and Legal Scholarship



The Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy is delighted to announce the Perelman Seminar on Globalization and Legal Scholarship with William Twining, Emeritus Quain Professor of Jurisprudence at University College London. The Perelman seminar aims to bring together senior and young scholars around the works of key figures in legal philosophy and global law. This seminar is addressed to scholars, researchers and PhD students working in all fields of law. It may also be of interest for scholars in the social sciences.

Professor Twining is undoubtedly one of the most influential contemporary scholars in jurisprudence. Some of his most significant works include Law in Context : Enlarging a Discipline (1997), How to do Things with Rules (1999- with D. Miers), Globalisation and Legal Theory (2000), General Jurisprudence : Understanding Law from a Global Perspective (2009) and Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement (2012- 2nd edition). As a student of H.L.A Hart and a follower of Karl Llewellyn, Twining’s works offer an insightful and original view on the transformation of law and legal scholarship in the context of globalisation.

Video available in the podcast section.

Globalization and Legal Scholarship by William Twining

Welcome by Benoît Frydman

Chair : David Restrepo Amariles

Friday, 23 May 2014 at 3pm followed by a drink

Room KANT at the Institut d’études européennes

Université Libre de Bruxelles

Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 39 – 1050 Brussels.

Registration to this event is required by Sylvie Riche at Sylvie.Riche chez ulb.ac.be

A draft paper will be circulated a week prior to the event.

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