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New Law Clinic launched

Equality Law Clinic at the Perelman Center


The Equality Law Clinic (ELC) was officially launched on October 14th, 2014 during an introductory seminar at the Perelman Centre.

The ELC, based at both the Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy and the Institute for European Studies (IEE), will offer to a selected group of graduate students the opportunity to deepen their practical knowledge on transnational issues in equality and non-discrimination law, such as reproductive rights, disability, transgender and migration law. The students will follow a general and a focused module, attending seminars and conferences with scholars and professionals engaged in the human rights field. At the end of the programme they are expected to prepare reports, third party intervention, or guidelines for practitioners on their specific topic in collaboration with related partner organisations.

The ELC has been launched within the framework of the IAP “The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration : Towards a Users’ Perspective”. The clinic will be headed by Prof. Emmanuelle Bribosia and Prof. Isabelle Rorive.

More information about the ELC will be available soon on this website.

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