Accueil > Agenda > Civic Integration Policies for migrants : an analysis under equality and anti- discrimination law. Examples of Belgian and Dutch legal orders

Civic Integration Policies for migrants : an analysis under equality and anti- discrimination law. Examples of Belgian and Dutch legal orders

Third Annual meeting IAP



Sarah Ganty will present her research about “Civic Integration Policies for migrants : an analysis under equality and anti- discrimination law. Examples of Belgian and Dutch legal orders” at the Third Annual meeting IAP P7/27 “The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration : Towards a Users’ Perspective” on 8 October 2015, Ghent.

For about 15 years, mandatory civic integration policies for migrants have been developed by some EU MS at different levels : immigration, citizenship and social welfare levels. Both cultural and socio-economic factors seem to overlap each other and to play an important role within those policies. They create direct and indirect differences of treatment between categories of migrants. Some of them, such as migrants in socio-economic disadvantaged situations, are particularly hampered. In this context, I will raise the question of how equality and anti-discrimination law can be used as a tool to address these policies and assess their lawfulness. In this respect, the research is linked to the WP3 of the IAP (http://hrintegration.be/work-package).

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