Accueil > Agenda > Call for applications : a full-time Ph.D. Candidate

Call for applications : a full-time Ph.D. Candidate


The Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy and the Law Department of the Institute for European Studies (Université Libre de Bruxelles) are looking for a full-time Ph.D. Candidate to work on Media Law and Democratic Regulation in Belgium and Europe.

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates who hold a Master degree (2nd cycle) in Law, preferably Belgian and/or European Law, with a specialization, a professional experience or a strong interest in the field of Media Law. The researcher will conduct research mainly in the field of Belgian media law (and in comparative and European human rights law), draft reports and scientific documents in English, and conduct interviews with media actors in both Dutch and French, in the framework of a European Union-funded Research Programme (MEDIADEM).

The researcher will work under supervision from senior researchers. Additionally, the researcher will start writing a PhD thesis in a topic of Philosophy of law, Legal Theory, European Law or Media Law and Regulation. Applicants are welcome to write in English or French.

The candidates will have an excellent knowledge of Dutch and English. Applicants should be aware that French is the usual working language at the Centre Perelman and at the Institute for European Studies : a satisfying knowledge of French is thus also required.

The applicants will show aptitude for academic research, collective research and teamwork, and must have very good writing and IT skills.

Contract start date : 01/02/10

Contract duration : three-year grant.

The candidate may not have previously been employed under a work contract with the ULB.

More information : contact Mr. Pierre-François Docquir (pierre-francois.docquir(at)ulb.ac.be)

Application : Applications must be submitted by email to the Director of the Perelman Centre Prof. Dr. Benoit Frydman – bfrydman(at)ulb.ac.be – by the 12th of January 2010 at the latest. Please write as email subject “Media researcher vacancy – Candidate your surname”.

The application must include the following documents :

- applicant’s curriculum vitae ;

- motivation letter (in English) ;

- the candidate’s master thesis or, eventually, a paper written in the framework of his/her studies (in English) ;

- the application may also include a PhD project or a PhD title.

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