Accueil > Agenda > Brussels Global Law Week 2017

Brussels Global Law Week 2017

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The Perelman Centre would like to thank all the speakers, participants, guests and visitors for helping us successfully run the third edition (from 15 to 19 of May 2017) of the

Brussels Global Law Week

After the New York Global Law Week (2011) and the London Global Law Summit held in February 2015, the capital of Europe finally has its own forum on the globalization of law.

Reuniting theory and practice, the Brussels Global Law Week is an annual forum open to academics, researchers, students, NGOs, legal practitioners, regulators and decision-makers to discuss issues of law & globalization. Each year, special attention is drawn to both research in global and transnational legal theory and practical issues in specific sectors. The 2017 programme is attached hereby (please click on the following icon).

BGLW Programme 2017

The 2016 and 2015 programmes are available here :

BGLW Programme 2016
BGLW Programme 2015

Links to the individual announcements of the events with further information :

Monday, May 15 – Francqui Chair Symposium
Larry Cata Baker : Transnational Legal Orders

Maria Rosaria Ferrarese : The What and Where of Global Law

Gregory Lewkowicz : Anatomizing the Hydra of Global Law : Three Questions to prof. Neil Walker

Perelman Chair Lecture
Global and Transnational Law Today with Neil Walker

To see the video of N. Walker’s lecture, click here

Tuesday, May 16- Francqui Chair Symposium
Ralf Michaels : A Concept of Laws : Plural Law for Global Legal Pluralism

Jean-Philippe Robé : Global Firms and Local Law

Karim Benyekhlef : Where Does RegTech Fit in the Emerging Global Law ?

Gilles Lhuilier : A Concept of Transnational Law

David Restrepo : Global and Transnational Law according to N. Walker

Wednesday, May 17

Guillaume de Greef seminar
Isabelle Rorive : Standing up for your rights in a global context

Pierre Sculier : How not to be a global lawyer

Georges Cornil Seminar
Alexandre Hublet : Global Arbitration : A Judge-Made Global Law ?

Paul Otlet Seminar
Arnaud van Waeyenberge : Where does Smart Law lead us ?

Thursday, May 18

Tilen Cuk : How to regulate FinTech ?

Thomson Reuters Event
From FinTech to RegTech… from potentially disruptive to leaner compliance opportunities

Friday, May 19

Brussels Global Law Week Young Scholar Event
Ana-Maria Correa&Louise Fromont : Global Law of Platforms : Towards a Governance of Online Sharing Economy ?

Événements à venir