Accueil > Agenda > Bruno Deffains, Jean-Louis Joris and Lorenz Schultz : The Legal Profession in a Global Legal Market

Bruno Deffains, Jean-Louis Joris and Lorenz Schultz : The Legal Profession in a Global Legal Market

René Marcq Seminar 2016



Bruno Deffains, Professor, Director of the Paris Centre for Law &

Economics, Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Jean-Louis Joris from Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton and Lorenz Schultz, Professor at Goethe Universität Frankfurt & Of Counsel at Roxin Rechtsanwälte LLP will deliver the René Marcq seminar in the 2016 edition of the Global Law Week on the following topic :}

The Legal Profession in a Global Legal Market

A discussion will follow with legal practitioners and the public.

For the complete programme of the Global Law Week 2016, please click here

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