Accueil > Agenda > New challenges for Japan and the European Union

New challenges for Japan and the European Union

  • Planning

    March 26, 2024 (12.15-2 pm)


New challenges for Japan and the European Union

Joint seminar – Digital Law Center and Centre Perelman


Chair: prof. Isabelle Rorive


Role of Soft Law for Protecting Consumer Interest in the Digital or AI Society

Prof. Tsuneo Matsumoto (Hitotsubashi University, Digital Law Center)


Regulating Dark Patterns in Japan, The Challenge of Protecting Consumers from Manipulative and Deceptive Practices Online

Prof. Noriko Kawawa (Law Faculty, Doshisha University, Digital Law Center)


Discussant: Germain Haumont ( lawyer at the Brussels Bar, teaching assistant and researcher in Comparative Law, ULB, and Human Rights, UCLouvain)



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