Accueil > Regulatory Risks Faced by the Transportation Sharing Economy : Workforces at Stake

Regulatory Risks Faced by the Transportation Sharing Economy : Workforces at Stake


Ana Corrêa had her article Regulatory Risks Faced by the Transportation Sharing Economy : Workforces at Stake published in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Risk Regulation. The article addresses the regulatory risks that transportation sharing economies face when they outsource their main service : transportation. By reviewing recent judicial cases in the United States and the United Kingdom, the article explores how transportation network companies recruit their drivers, develop its contracts and terms of service, the challenges to define employment, and some local legal strategies to address misclassification disputes.

The article is available here

Suggested citation : Correa, Ana Maria, “Regulatory Risks Faced by the Transportation Sharing Economy : Workforces”, European Journal of Risk Regulation, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp.641-654.

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