Accueil > Amicus Brief Submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in SEJAC v. France.

Amicus Brief Submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in SEJAC v. France.


Isabelle Rorive, Véronique van der Plancke and Julie Ringelheim have drafted an amicus curiae (third party intervention) on behalf of the ULB Equality Law Clinic and the Belgian equality body Unia on the use of situation testing as evidence of discrimination, in the light of the right to a fair trial. This amicus curiae was submitted to the European Court of Human Rights in the SEJAC v. France case.  The Interdisciplinary Research Cell in Human Rights (CRIDHO) just published it in its English version.

It can be found here https://equalitylawclinic.ulb.be/images/documents/TPI_Testing_EN_CRIDHO-WP-2023-3.pdf

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